Cue Cards for Counseling Adolescents on Contraception

The set of cue cards is designed to help a range of community- and facility-based providers to counsel adolescents and young people on their contraceptive options. The cue cards address: combined oral contraceptives, progestin-only pills, emergency contraception, male and female condoms, injectables, implants, intrauterine devices (IUDs), and the lactational amenorrhea method (LAM). The provider can use the front side of the cards to give information about all available options and, after the adolescent chooses a method, they turn to the back side to give specific instruction on use.

Renforcement des capacités, Usage

  • Sous-catégories Santé reproductive
  • Commodities Produits de santé reproductive
  • Date de mise à jour July 2013
  • Version
  • Développé par Pathfinder International
  • Quand l'utiliser The set of cue cards is designed to help a range of community- and facility-based providers to counsel adolescents and young people on their contraceptive options. The cue cards address: combined oral contraceptives, progestin-only pills, emergency contraception, male and female condoms, injectables, implants, intrauterine devices (IUDs), and the lactational amenorrhea method (LAM). The provider can use the front side of the cards to give information about all available options and, after the adolescent chooses a method, they turn to the back side to give specific instruction on use.
  • Langues Anglais, Français, Portugais
  • Niveau d'utilisation District, Formations sanitaires
  • Forme pdf file
  • Amount of training / TA required n/a
  • Inputs & outputs n/a
  • Coût Free
  • Advantages n/a
  • Contraintes n/a
  • Disponibilité English version: French version: Portuguese version:
  • Remarques
  • Contact Olivia Moseley (Technical Advisor for Instructional Design,
  • Submission date 2014-09-04 17:59:57