Good practices for selecting and procuring rapid diagnostic tests for malaria

This manual, designed as a practical 12-step checklist, provides guidance on the selection and procurement of quality rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) for malaria. Drawing on the results of the WHO/TDR-FIND-CDC Product Testing Programme, the manual aims to strengthen the capacity of national and international procurement officers. It covers all aspects of the procurement cycle, with special emphasis on product specifications, selection criteria for different epidemiological settings, different quantification methodologies based on malaria surveillance and consumption data, as well as quality control through lot testing.

Approvisionnement, Assurance Qualité, Planification & Budgétisation, Quantification, Renforcement des capacités, Sélection

  • Sous-catégories Paludisme
  • Commodities Diagnostiques
  • Date de mise à jour June 2011
  • Version 1st edition
  • Développé par WHO
  • Quand l'utiliser This manual, designed as a practical 12-step checklist, provides guidance on the selection and procurement of quality rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) for malaria. Drawing on the results of the WHO/TDR-FIND-CDC Product Testing Programme, the manual aims to strengthen the capacity of national and international procurement officers. It covers all aspects of the procurement cycle, with special emphasis on product specifications, selection criteria for different epidemiological settings, different quantification methodologies based on malaria surveillance and consumption data, as well as quality control through lot testing.
  • Langues Anglais
  • Niveau d'utilisation Central, District, Régional
  • Forme pdf document
  • Amount of training / TA required
  • Inputs & outputs
  • Coût
  • Advantages Practical, concise 12 steps comprising procurement checklist. - Based on the latest quality assurance and control standards. - The manual summarizes information which is generally only readily accessible to specialized agencies. It covers all aspects of the procurement cycle, with special emphasis on product specifications, selection criteria for different epidemiological settings, different quantification methodologies based on malaria surveillance and consumption data, as well as quality control through lot testing.
  • Contraintes The manual does not cover the general aspects of procurement, which are dealt with extensively in other documents.
  • Disponibilité
  • Remarques A French translation of the document is in process. For more information, contact Silvia Schwarte (WHO/GMP)
  • Contact
  • Submission date 2011-06-21 19:28:32