An Essential Guide to SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is a methodological tool designed to help workers and companies optimize performance, maximize potential, manage competition, and minimize risk. SWOT is about making better decisions, both large and small. It can help you determine the efficacy of something as small as introducing a new product or service or something as large as a merger or acquisition. Again, SWOT is a method that, once mastered, can only enhance performance.

Planning & Budgeting

  • Sub-categories Assessments and Research, HIV/AIDS, Human Resource, Immunization, Malaria, Noncommunicable diseases (NCD), Reproductive health, TB
  • Commodities Diagnostics, Indoor Residual Spraying, Medicines, Mosquito nets, Pesticides, Reproductive health products, Supplements, Technologies, Vaccines
  • Latest update 2015
  • Version
  • Developed by Justin Gomer and Jackson Hille
  • When to use SWOT analysis is a methodological tool designed to help workers and companies optimize performance, maximize potential, manage competition, and minimize risk. SWOT is about making better decisions, both large and small. It can help you determine the efficacy of something as small as introducing a new product or service or something as large as a merger or acquisition. Again, SWOT is a method that, once mastered, can only enhance performance.
  • Languages English
  • Level of use Central
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  • Cost Free
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  • Submission date 2015-08-10 02:00:00